FSE Master Your Future Evening
Wednesday 9th April 2025
18:00-20:30 @PHS learning spaces
There are many factors to consider when deciding on the best next step during and after your bachelor’s study. While you are in charge of shaping your own future, we are here to guide you through this decision-making process. The Faculty of Science and Engineering is organising a ‘Master your Future’ event exclusively for current UM bachelor’s students to make sure you have all the necessary information about our master’s programmes.
You can choose to kick-start your evening with either the Data Science & Artificial Intelligence session or with the Sciences session.
The Data Science & Artificial Intelligence session will contain information about:
- MSc Artificial Intelligence
- MSc Data Science for Decision Making
- MSc Systems Biology
*This session is recommended for students with a bachelor’s in DSAI, MSP, Business Engineering, Econometrics, UCM or UCV.
The Sciences session will contain information about:
- MSc Biobased Materials
- MSc Imaging Engineering
- MSc Systems Biology
*This session is recommended for students with a bachelor’s in CE, MSP, Business Engineering, FPN, FHML, UCM or UCV.