What does it mean to be an Active member of SEAL?
Active members benefit from free membership, granting access to various events and activities organized for students within the Faculty of Science and Engineering (FSE).
Why you should join us?
- FREE!!!!!!!!! Yes, FREE!!!!!!!!
- You can attend academic events, workshops, and company visits. Hello????? Opportunities for professional growth, learning, and networking with peers and professionals in your field of interest!!!
- You can contribute suggestions for new events or initiatives, and take part in shaping the association’s direction. BE PART OF OUR COMMUNITY.
- You have the opportunity to meet other students across various departments within the FSE.
DEAR. Photographer. Anthropologist. Scientist. Director. Businessman. Friend. Designer. Model. Dancer. Doctor. Psychologists. Astronomer. Blogger. Smoker. Sociologist. Musician. Journalist. Student. Publisher. Worker. Botanist. Zoologist. Feminist. Stylist. Lover. Neighbour. Coffee lover. Addict. Party lover. Dreamer